Saint Juan Diego

Part I

“I am a nobody. I am a small rope, a tiny ladder, the tail end, a leaf…and you send me to a place I would never visit.” - Saint Juan Diego 

In the year 1531 in the city of Mexico a man named Juan met Our Lady. He was a simple, humble farmer but knew that he had been entrusted with the message from Our Lady for a reason. Will he carry out his promise to Our Lady? Will the Bishop believe him? Find out in this incredible new episode on Saint Juan Diego! 

Part II

"Listen, put it into your heart, my youngest and dearest son, that the thing that disturbs you, the thing that afflicts you, is nothing. Do not let your countenance, your heart be disturbed."  - Our Lady of Guadalupe 

When we last left our story, the Bishop was doubtful that Juan Diego's message from Our Lady was true. He asked for a sign that it was truly the Mother of God who had sent him. Will Juan Diego receive a sign? Will the Bishop believe him? Hear the rest of the incredible story today on our final episode on the life of Saint Juan Diego! 


Saint Thomas Aquinas


Saint Mother Cabrini